Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Time brings Clean Time

It's great to see spring again after such a hard winter for our plants, trees and shrubs. Now is the time to get in the yard and spruce up the garden. Fertilize and mulch, add bedding plants and replace damaged or dead plants with new ones. Prepare some colorful pots with a variety of greenery and flowers.

It's also a good time to have your Air conditioners serviced in preparation for the hot months ahead.

You might find that minimizing your interior will give you a lift. Clean out closets and cupboards. Donate your belongings to goodwill or Katy Christian Ministries. As a young girl I have fond memories of spring cleaning. I know that sounds unreal, but my siblings and I would make it a surprise for my mom, by polishing cabinets and woodwork, cleaning windows and just getting the home sparkling from top to bottom. It brought joy to Mom and gave us a sense of giving. Include your children and make it a family project. The sense of accomplishment and teamwork at the end will be worth the effort.

And last but not least enjoy the outdoors. It's a good time to ride your bikes, take walks and spend time at the park. Happy Spring.